

Sunday Inspiration 46 August 26, 2012




“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”



Sunday Inspiration 45 August 19, 2012


“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.  Be happy now.  Don’t wait for    something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.  Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.”

Earl Nightingale


Sunday Inspiration 44 August 12, 2012

” Happiness is not the belief that we don’t need to change; it’s the realization that we can.”

Shawn Achor


Sunday Inspiration 43 August 5, 2012


 “Things do not necessarily happen for the best, but some people are able to make the best out of things that happen.”

 book: The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor


Sunday Inspiration 42 July 15, 2012



 “The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming  yourself.”

Anna Quindlen


Sunday Inspiration 39 June 24, 2012

 “The major block to compassion is judgment in our minds.  Judgement is the mind’s primary tool of seperation.”

   Diane Berke


Sunday Inspiration 38 June 10, 2012



“The individual who no longer has a rigid mind has found freedom.  Life can be so easy.  Refuse to let go and you are a person drowning; the more you struggle, the faster you sink.”

George Ohsawa


Sunday Inspiration 33 April 15, 2012

“Attitudes are contagious.  Make yours worth catching.”



Notes from the Students April 4, 2012

"Grandma Jody" Demonstrating a beautiful, Reverse Low-Lunge on a chair at YOUYOGA



…because the workouts are great for flexibility, strength, and self-confidence
…because the atmosphere in the class is totally supportive, peaceful, and unintimidating
…because use of the chair means we always feel secure and unafraid to try the exercises
…because we always have a period of total relaxation at the end, which leads to peace and serenity
…because Ericka has such a soothing voice, kind attitude, and is concerned about each participant
…because it is a wonderful, easy introduction to the whole concept of yoga



Notes From The Students March 28, 2012


A strong, peaceful and confident Tree Pose being demonstrated on a chair at YOUYOGA.

In keeping with the theme of Ahimsa this week….I thought it appropriate to share some kind words from one of our valued Chair Yoga students at YOUYOGA, as well as share a photo of her practicing Tree Pose/Vrksasana on a chair.  The practice of  Tree Pose helps to strengthen the ankle while creating new space in the hip.  This openness in the hip can help to improve the symptoms of Sciatica, which is a pain or numbness in the leg, hip, and/or lower back caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve located at the lumbar (lower back) spine.
It also increases our muscular and skeletal strength in our arches, calves and thighs.  Helping us to create a strong base to improve, or maintain our physical balance.  If we lift our palms above the crown of our head, it can also help to increase our ability to breath, along with improving our circulation.  With greater breath and improved blood flow….our internal organs get the support they need to function properly.
By lifting our arms we also engage the muscles of our back-body…..helping to make it stronger, while improving our posture.  However, if your shoulders sense pain from an injury, or weakness then keep those hands at heart, or belly center.  Remember to keep lengthening the neck away from the tops of the shoulders, as you draw your shoulder blades towards one another.   This action alone will help to develop strength whether the hands are above, or below the heart.  
Lastly, practicing Tree Pose wether sitting, or standing will help to develop a sense of calm and focus.  I think we can all agree calm is worth seeking on a daily basis……for too often it seems that they day isn’t long enough for the task list that awaits our attention.  So whether you’re at work, or at home between taks, or commercial breaks be inspired to take a moment and try Tree Pose…..sitting or standing…..and see what it can do for YOU!  If nothing else it can become a moment of quality time for yourself.  Helping you to create the quality of Ahimsa………loving, compassion, and a sense of worthiness.  All qualities that can help us be better people knowing that we deserve to feel and be well.
Special thanks to Christine for allowing YOUYOGA to share her kind words (found below) and lovely photo with all of  our viewers 😉
“Chair yoga at YOUYOGA is REAL yoga. It’s good challenging exercise and it …makes you feel strong and balanced.You’re doing real yoga and the chair is just there for support. Really, that’s what YOUYOGA classes, and YOUYOGA teachers, are for … a little support when you need it.

You’re never on your own, there’s always an encouraging voice to remind you to be mindful of, and explore, your strength.”
